My concern over the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is great and I wonder what I can do about it. Last night I spent numbers of hours in a conversation with Mother Earth. I asked her why man can’t stop the oil leak in the Gulf. I asked if there was a god, why they don’t interfere. I asked Mother Earth why she does not stop the leakage.
I hear the voices from BP, the government, scientists and engineers. All saying things that are meant to console but while I listened to the words I got a pain in my butt (literally). When I asked the ‘being of god’ why they did not interfere, my body got tight and then I got a knife-like pain in my back. Both receded after I took some deep breaths.
Mother Earth was firm with her personal reply. "I can handle this. I am taking care of it. It has to happen this way or it wouldn't be happening this way." Although I was not comforted by her answer I did think about the silver linings of the cloud.
1. This major event has the attention of the entire world. This is good. People are angry because they are afraid. Angry people create change, even if it is through a revolution.
2. Perhaps this event will lead to the abolishment of underwater oil drilling.
3. Sustainable energy will be more respected and utilized and the future generations will not be compromised by our ignorant choices of today.
I know Mother Earth to be a living being. With a heart beat and veins of gold, water, oil, alae and etc. I equate the Earth and Human beings as the same. Humans with veins of blood and lymph. Perhaps BP has drilled into a vein of oil. When a human has a puncture in one of its veins, the muscles which co-create the walls of the veins will contract, and bleeding is inhibited. Then the natural process of forming blood clots occurs. For example: If one were to slit their wrist in a horizontal slice the venules will contract and impede the bleeding. If one were to slit their wrists in a vertical slice along the venule the muscles in the vessel can not contract to stop the bleeding. Clotting is inhibited and massive blood loss is the consequence. Did BP slice vertically or horizontally into a vein of oil?
Let us say that the oil reserve that BP has drilled into is a huge lake of oil. A reservoir, a holding tank of oil. How could we correlate that to our body? There is no place in the optional functioning human body that ‘stores’ blood. The heart is one of the largest organs in the body that contains great amounts of blood at all times. If the heart is punctured, the chances of survival are dim. Miracles do happen, although most of the time we could say it would be fatal. One would bleed to death.
I asked Mother Earth if she were dying. Bleeding out? She said no. She told me that the ‘bleeding’ would continue until the consciousness of mankind were raised. I asked her how we can raise the consciousness. She offered these few tips.
Pray. Prayers to support the recovery of the Gulf are being done worldwide. This is good.
Educate. One 42-gallon barrel of crude oil creates 19.4 gallons of gasoline. 22.6 gallons are used to make things like: crayons, bubble gum, soaps, paint, rubbing alcohol, deodorants, makeup, CDs and DVDs, tires, ammonia, plastic products, toys, household tools, drugs, vitamin capsules, food preservatives, perfumes, insecticides, and the list goes on. Shoes and clothing such as acrylic, nylon and polyester are some of the thousands of products made from oil.
Unite. Perhaps we should start a program like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). They are educating people to avoid products made from animals. How about we start an organization to educate people to avoid making products from oil? I like the name PETE (People for the Ethical Treatment of Earth). I went on the internet and I did find such an organization. I have emailed the person that posted this wonderful tidbit. “Apparently there are no groups on facebook other than this one endorsing environmental responsibility. Please keep our Earth clean, not only because it is respectful to do so, but because Mars sucks! (K.C.) I received the email back in my mailbox. Recipient failed permanently. I am not sure where K.C. is but I am sure they did not move to Mars.
Self-responsibility. Take a few moments today and examine your life. Where are you utilizing products that are made from oil? For example, right now I am sitting on a synthetic fibered recliner as I type on this computer that the majority of it is made from oil. My Minnie Mouse sweats and t-shirt are 100% cotton (a renewable resource). The oils I used for my skin come from sesame seeds. The lip gloss I am wearing is Burt’s Bees, which is free from petrochemicals. My jewelry is metal and pearls. The dishes I used to eat my salad on are china. The pan I cooked my breakfast in is metal with petrochemical handles. My vitamins are powdered Spirulina thus avoiding petrochemicals. The bottle they are stored in is glass with a metal lid that has some petrochemical products lining the seal. I rode in a car 2 times this week. Dashboard, carpet, and seats made from petrochemicals. We drove for approximately 40 miles. I estimate the vehicle utilized about 3 gallons of gasoline. I don’t know how to determine the amount of engine oil used. If it was a “Maui cruiser” we could estimate the amount of oil by the size of the oil spot on the driveway. I look around my world. There sure are a lot of petrochemical products surrounding me. There are options for “green living”. Am I willing to do that? Are you willing to do that? Do we really have a choice anymore?
In the history of Change; crisis is the customary factor that determines change. Change can be created with out crisis. The best medicine for ignorance is education. Change is created with wise choices based on inner and outer education. Inner education is your innate knowingness. You were born with it. It is that voice that speaks from deep inside your core. Your outer education is the culture, society, institutions and experiences you encounter in your daily life. Perhaps it is your belief systems that limit the possibilities to witness the world from another perspective. If your inner and outer knowledge do not match then explore the issue to a deeper extent. When your gut (the inner knowledge/truth) says something isn’t right, trust that message! Question all things. Never take anyone’s word for anything. Sometimes someone says something, or you read a book and something deep inside says…. “YES! I know this to be true!” When your inner truth and outer knowledge match there will be the physiological response of a deep breath and your body relaxes. Now you KNOW you have found your truth. With your truth instilled in your being it will be time to walk your talk. Offer the world your pure essence with grace and elegance.
Change it on the inside and the outside will change. Mother Earth is bleeding right now in the Mexico Gulf region. Slightly north to her midsection (the equator). That correlates to the mid-portion of the human. Our digestive system. Are you tired of this mess? Can’t stomach this any longer? Make the change. Inside and out. Be the change.