Tuesday, December 31, 2013


My commitment to you is to offer free bi-monthly newsletters. One on the New Moon & Full Moon.  
So let’s get started!
 Ps: this is an interactive publication because I KNOW that YOU KNOW MORE!!!
Injoy! Doc Val

January 1, 2014
New Moon in Capricorn
    A new Moon is where we plant the seeds.
    Thus New Beginnings
New Year

Have a pencil & paper to make some notes.
So what do you want to bring more light into this year?
Money, fame, love, creativity, health, family, or travel?
Do you know how to bring this light into these areas?
It is actually easy.
Take a breath.
Inhale then exhale.
Be aware of your belly rising and falling.
Now it is just a matter of remembering.
Remembering what your soul came to this planet to bring.
Now how would I remember you may ask.
Simply by breathing.
Breath is your contract to life.
Keep on breathing.
Keep on breathing.
Then remember what is was that you wanted when you were a child.
Take a moment and remember then write it down on a piece of paper.
Write 1 (ONE) word to the following questions.

Now write down YOUR GREATEST STRENGTH. (one word)

Why only one word? KISS…. Keep It Simple Sweetheart.
We start with one and then you can expand on this later.
This could be the beginning of the book you always wanted to write! Or the movie you wanted to make.  Or whatever!  It is a beginning on this auspicious day of New Moon.

Now look at your greatest strength & make note of how this part of your being can co-create the above questions.

I will share my notes for an example:
MONEY = Wealth
FAME = Star
FAMILY = World wide
HEALTH = Awesome
CAREER (SERVICE) = Wonderfilled
TRAVEL = Adventure
My greatest strength is COURAGE.

With my Courage of staying Open I am supported by Awesome health & Wealth so I can travel to my families Worldwide. I have lots of Fun and Deep Adventures with Amazing people & places.  My Courage keeps my life Wonderfilled and I am the shining Star.  

So now it is your turn.  Dare to be You… because I know…
You Know More!

Injoy!  Doc Val

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The light of the Season

Nearing the Solstice
Nearing your Soulstice
Nearing your Truth
Time being alone with yourself
Time being togehter with others
Love of the Season
Love of your Soul
Blessings upon your journey

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


A singer
A poestess
A daughter
A sister
A wife
A mother
A grandmother
A woman that changed the world
My Mom
RIP 6/15/13

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hana Hawaii... How much better can it get

Seven Sacred Pools in Hana Hawaii... MAUI
Volcano seen over on Hawaii
Bamboo forests
A gift you will always remember
Give it to yourself!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

97 and still going strong

97 & going strong
This amazing man reaked wisdom

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Everything is grand in SAMOA!

In Samoa everything is grand...
Grand coconuts...
Grand ocean....
Grand swimming...
Grand love...
I soooo love it there & encourage you
To give this to yourself...
Western Samoa where everything is grand!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Turtle Love Maui

While traveling through Maui on my way to Micornesia we found this turtle that had a huge fishing hook in her arm.  The state gave us permission to assist with her situation. Days later a group of us formed and swam with her... corraled her and then brought her to shore.  The hook was removed with bolt cutters.  We measured her and then let her go after prayers for her wellbeing were conducted.  Off she trotted back into the ocean.  A quick look back to us as if to say Thanks Buddies!  We love you turtle love!

Monday, December 2, 2013


Got a ?
Give it to me
I might have an answer!

Where is Dr Valerie aka Doc Val NOW???


Spent the day creating new blog sites...
Doc Val, You Know More, Ho' know more...

Wrote the product instructions for one of my new remedies...
You will get that in 2014....
I promise it will enhance your life!
The rest of the know more family will too!!!

Today is NEW MOON in Sagistarius!
WOW  time to plant more seeds everyone!
New Beginnings!!

Put this one in your travel bucket!
The people are sooooooooo kind...
Live in the minute...
Oh yes Palau I do LOVE you and will be back soon!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

You Know More Rememberings

You Know More Rememberings
December 2, 2013
This is the first of the official You Know More Rememberings. (ONLY 500 words) My intentions are that you will have access through my blogs on the new Moon & full Moon of every month. This of course will be subject to internet availability or if I am on a rescue mission somewhere in the world.
December 2 is a new Moon.  We experience this event when the Moon is between Mother Earth & the Sun.   Metaphysically new Moons are a time when, metaphorically speaking “we plant seeds”.  Astrologically this new Moon is in Sagittarius.  A fiery house that ignites our dreams for self-improvement & intellectual affairs.
In this time of the “dark Moon” it is a time to reflect back into yourself & remember what is it that YOU really want in your life!  What is begging to come out and shine brightly?
Consider 5 things to ponder & fill in the blanks:
1. When I was a child I always wanted to ____________________________________.
2. When I was a child I KNEW I could be #1 because________________________________.
3. Today what do I have in my “tool box of life” that can assist me in attaining my dream as a child?________________________________
4. I want to share #1 with the world because_________________________ & it is the RIGHT TIME for me to do so.
5. Today I plant the seeds of ME BEING the  SHINING ME!

Over the next 14 days, until the Full Moon you will have the chance to water your seeds with love, compassion & understanding.  Be kind to yourself. On the Full Moon we will discuss the harvesting of your dreams.

Need a little bit of help today along the way?
Try putting a red candle in the far right corner of your bedroom which is your relationship corner in Feng’s Shui. When lit the flame will remind you of your fiery passions.

How about a flower essence to assist you?
And since it is the holiday season & stress maybe accumulating, pick up the Bach flower essence Rescue Remedy.  It softens the edge of life & helps give you perspective!

My favorite tool: Stones.  Any stone will do.  Put it in your pocket (if small enough). It will help you stay grounded & clear in your visions. If it is large place it where you brush your teeth to remind you that you got the whole package because You Know More!

The final input today is BREATH: your contract to life! Take a breath now & know you are supported.  Everything is in a state of perfection. (ps: put up BREATHE signs to remind you!)

A quick summary:  Your dream, a red candle, Rescue Remedy, a stone & BREATHE.

This is a good start for our first You Know More Rememberings.  I appreciate your precious time that you have spent with me today & feedback is appreciated!  Maluhia (peace in Hawaiian) Doc Val

my gift to you

Every day I will give you the gift of travel
From every country I have been blessed to serve
Today... how about Ecuador!
Stunning... kind people... strong mountains... hot springs... volcanoes
Give it to yourself!


A little adventure 
Testing my limits
Applied for a grant
Got in the pool
NOW... get ready to WIN!

Glacier medicine

Galcier National Park.... Montana!!!
A bit chilly camping but so worth it!!

New website on its way!

You Know More

our new baby


I have lost my virginity! Did I tell you that already?

I did it... I went all the way! WOW... It was a bit painful but I have become a published AUTHOR. Book #1. Ho' kNOW More, co-authored with Jadine L. Brown, PT. Check it out: www.hoknowmore.com

Pregnant with more books... too be born soon. Stay tuned!

long time no hear

I have been around the world a few times
June 1, 2010 was last post
Busy out where internet does not work
Out where people outrank my computer
Many births I have witnessed
Many deaths I celebrate too
It is gr8 to be back with you!
Stay tuned!
Magic appearing!