Monday, October 6, 2014

Lunar Eclipse! October 8, 2014

October 8, 2014
Full Moon in Aries ^
Lunar Eclipse
Moon of Falling Leaves (Cherokee)
Harvest Moon
A full Moon is a created by the Earth being between the Moon & Sun.
A lunar eclipse is created when the Earth is exactly in front of the Moon thus creating a shadow (umbra) as the Sun shines behind Earth.
Aries is the first house in astrology.
The beneficial aspects of Aries are:  Action, Adventure, Ambition, Courage, Creation, Fearless, Independence, Leadership, Pioneering, & Will Power!
Unfavorable aspects of Aries can be: Bullying, Egotism, Selfishness, Tyranny.
Energetically as the Earth is between the Moon & Sun there will be an opening created.  The Moon will be pulling you into your emotions.  The Sun will be pulling you into your deepest desires. It will be up to you to walk through this opening & this full Moon is here to help you do that.  The shadow (umbra) is an aspect of you as well.  Look within yourself & find your personal shadow.  Once found you can create an energetic shift with the assistance of Mars, the Moon, the Sun & You!
Aries is ruled by the planet Mars.  Mars is a masculine energy that readies you for action.  You know what you want & this full Moon is going to help you attain it! 
These are some food that will support you with vitality & empowerment:  Beets, Radish, Peppers!  Eat macrobiotically organic foods! Feast from the harvests of the summer gardens. 
If you want to stay stuck in old behaviors choose these foods:  White, GMO, Sugar, Gluten products, Alcohol.
A great flower essence to use at this time is Walnut.
Light a Red Candle .  Watch the flame & listen to your heart speak.
The essential oil of Peppermint will assist you to lift you up to your deepest dreams.
A Red Carnation will dress your desk & remind you of your power.
Walk through the opening on this full Moon…
You deserve everything the universe has to offer!
Injoy!  Celebrate!  Breathe!  Be Kind! Love!

~Doc Val

Monday, September 22, 2014

New Moon in Libra

New Moon in Libra
Plant the seeds of your dream
Your life is your choice
Make it abundant
Abundant in Love
All the rest fills in the cracks

Autumn is the time for the energy in the trees to come down to their roots
The leaves start to change colors 
The winds kiss them on their limbs
A time to Harvest your dreams



Sunday, September 7, 2014

Harvest Super Moon

Harvest Super Full Moon in Pisces

September 8, 2014

Harvest Moon is the closest full Moon
 to the Autumn Equinox.
Super Moon is when the moon is closest to the Earth.

Pisces is the 12th house in Astrology.  The house that has the least amount of light therefore a time for us to explore the darkness within us.  Dark is a good place.  A place where the truth is deep within… just like Neptune being the guardian of the deep oceans… YOU are the guardian of your inner oceans… the place where your deepest desires and truths flow.  Tap into your mystical, spiritual, psychic, powerful energies that are your borne right to be all that you are meant to be.  Tap into your strong imagination and let the intangible energies such as the music of nature nurture your soul.  This is also a perfect time to Re-member past lives.    Re-connect with your strengths of those life times and bring them forward to today.  As Pisces rules the feet… 
it is the time for you to walk in your moccasins
 with grace, ease & confidence. 
The Super Moon in Pisces pulls you toward her.  Her tugging is opposed to the Sun’s tugging on you.  You are in the middle & an opening is being created within you.  Walk through the opening… 
Set yourself Free…
cOMe hOMe to YOU!


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

New Moon in Gemini.... New Begginings... Communicate!

been a long time............

been on the road
been in the sky
back to America
after Medical Relief in the Philippines
nice to be alive!
missed not being able to blog
back again... injoy!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sunday, March 9, 2014

love in all forms

Volunteering in Philippines

Val is doing it again..
Opportunity to serve...
Love and open heart lead the way...
Unconditional love and acceptance....
Never giving up....
Truth is the steps of humanity...
Ever faithful to compassion...
Excited to serve...
Respecting all beings along the way...
I becomes WE....
Now is the time...
Going to the Philippines to serve....

Friday, February 28, 2014

New Moon in Pisces!

New Moon
In Pisces!
Heightened psychic impressions!
Past life memories revealed!
Step INTO your life...
New Moon...
New BEginnings!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Full Moon + Valentine's Day = Love

Leo Full Moon
Valentine’s Day
Full Moon + Play = LOVE!!!
Love the one you are with
Especially yourself
Others come and go
You will always be there for you

Love the one you are with!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Full Moon in Cancer

Time to Harvest

Saturday, January 4, 2014