Harvest Super Full Moon in Pisces
September 8, 2014
Harvest Moon is the closest full Moon
to the Autumn Equinox.
Super Moon is when the moon is closest to the Earth.
Pisces is the 12th house in Astrology. The house that has the least amount of light therefore a time for us to explore the darkness within us. Dark is a good place. A place where the truth is deep within… just like Neptune being the guardian of the deep oceans… YOU are the guardian of your inner oceans… the place where your deepest desires and truths flow. Tap into your mystical, spiritual, psychic, powerful energies that are your borne right to be all that you are meant to be. Tap into your strong imagination and let the intangible energies such as the music of nature nurture your soul. This is also a perfect time to Re-member past lives. Re-connect with your strengths of those life times and bring them forward to today. As Pisces rules the feet…
it is the time for you to walk in your moccasins
with grace, ease & confidence.
The Super Moon in Pisces pulls you toward her. Her tugging is opposed to the Sun’s tugging on you. You are in the middle & an opening is being created within you. Walk through the opening…
Set yourself Free…
cOMe hOMe to YOU!